High School Education
Our high school students are in grades 10, 11 and 12 and study at Future Bright International School - the best high school in Siem Reap.
In addition to paying for tuition at this private school, we provide them with uniforms, breakfast, lunch, and dinner 6 days a week at the CRST Campus, daily English classes and tutorials in subjects which they need help with.

University Education
Our university students join us at the start of their university life. They either have graduated from high school with us, or join CRST and start University straight away. Through the University, they all undertake a 2 year Intensive English for Academic Purposes course before they begin their Bachelor Degree in their chosen subject.
Our University Students come from impoverished rural families, many of them are not only the first in their families to attend University, but are the first in their village to attend University.

Masters Degree Program
After graduating from University, many students move from Siem Reap to Phnom Penh to start their careers! At this exciting time in their lives, we continue to support them with a relocation budget and ongoing mentoring as they enter the 'real world'.
For graduates that meet our criteria, we also support their studies of either a second Bachelor Degree or Masters Degree. In return, these graduates mentor other CRST students or CRST departments, join our monthly community service activities and run our Business Classes.

Daily English, Computer and Optional Language Classes
Our Students study English with the Australian Centre of Education (ACE) across multiple levels depending on their English level. We have students just starting out, some towards the end of their courses and other already graduating with their Diploma in English!
During COVID-19, students studied online and in person classes will resume at the ACE Campus in 2022!
All students learn how to use computers - from the basics of setting up an email address, how to write an email, Microsoft programs and using the internet safely.
Students also have the choice to study extra language classes including Thai and Chinese. These lessons are taught at the CRST Campus.

Community Service and Family Support Programs
Once a month all CRST students travel to the countryside to build a house for a rural family living in a desperate situation. The Community Service team interviews, evaluates and plans each of these new home builds which means the new home is built in JUST ONE DAY!!
We currently provide essential food and hygiene supplies to 22 rural families living desperate situations - these are typically elderly couples, grandparents raising their young grandchildren and single mothers. Supplies include rice, sauces, dried meat and fish, vegetables and hygiene supplies like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap and cleaning materials.
For more information on these programs and to get involved please email us

New Student Selection Program
Our student management team created a comprehensive three step process including tests, interviews and family visits to ensure that the new students we are undertaking to sponsor at High School or University are keen to study and come from poor rural families.
In 2021, 565 students took the written test. 186 students were interviewed. We visited 51 students homes to access their family and living situation, and in 2021 we accepted 12 new students!!
In 2022 we will begin our New Student Selection process in May.

Project B
Bicycles for Education

Bicycles for Education, helps break the poverty cycle by making it easier for students in rural Cambodia to get to school.
Children often start school later in life as they need to be strong enough to walk the many kilometers to school. By providing them a bike, kids can start school earlier and are more likely to stay in school for longer.
We asses and then deliver second-hand bicycles to qualified rural students who need bikes to get to school. We also travel to rural schools multiple times a year with our Mobile Bike Mechanic program (MBM), assisting to repair bikes for all students in need. Click here for more information and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date

Project g
Empowering Girls

Project G, as in G for Girls!! Founded in 2018 and focused on bringing women’s health education and sustainable feminine hygiene solutions to girls in rural Cambodia, our lessons cover puberty, self defence and human trafficking.
Our Project G kits are sewn in our sewing workshop in Siem Reap by our team of students and 5 professional seamstresses and are then distributed for free to all high school girls who go through our educational lessons.
We are currently writing and producing a book 'Empower a Girl, Inspire a Nation' which will be published in 2022.
For more about our Project G Empowering Girls enterprise, click here and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date

Project L
Light for Education

This exciting project launched in 2022!! After receiving 2,400 solar study lights from SolarBuddy, we will be distributing them to students at remote, rural schools!!
We will be raising awareness about energy poverty by distributing solar study-lights to empower Cambodian students' education.
By distributing these solar study lights, we are encouraging students to continue learning and prepare for a brighter future

Project R
Plastic Education Program

Single-use plastics are devastating Cambodia’s environment so we’re doing something about it. This is an environmental program that incorporates several key factors to ensure sustainability, longevity and replicability. We have formal support and cooperation from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and Ministry of Environment.
We have written and produced a Plastic Education for Future Leaders book, complete with 6 lessons on how to Refuse, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Plastic. We are making our way through high schools in Siem Reap teaching these lessons and distributing organic cotton bags and also leaving copies of these books for each school. To date we have educated 15,000 students with a total aim of reaching 40,000.
For more about our Project R Plastic Education program click here and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date

Project T
Trees for Life

Many communities in Siem Reap province are living on desolate land and streets with little to no vegetation or shade. Research shows that planting trees improves people’s wellbeing and the environment as a whole.
By planting semi-mature trees that are fast growing, maintaining them and watering them during the dry season, we are bringing nature back to barren lands and streets in Siem Reap province. Working together with disadvantaged communities, we identify the areas most in need of shade and environmental benefits from trees.
Since 2017 we have planted countless trees, improving the environment, preventing erosion and aiding our planet in combating the effects of global warming. For more information about how to get involved, click here or email us

Project V
The Volunteer Experience

Project V - the Volunteer experience started in 2018. A unique volunteering program, we offer a unique perspective on volunteering.
This cultural exchange is hosted by the university students of the Cambodia Rural Students Trust. We have hosted high school programs, incentive business trips as well as family holidays.

Project W
WASH for Education

Project W WASH for Education brings clean, safe drinking water to high schools as well as hygiene and sanitation solutions.
57 out of 90 high schools in rural Siem Reap province do not have clean drinking water for their students. Our aim is to change that by installing BioSand water filtration systems that will support 40,000 students and 20,000 families living around the schools, providing clean water to 130,000 rural Cambodians.
So far 5 water filtration systems have been or are being built. We are also looking at constructing toilets and eco incinerators into these schools.
Click here for more information and follow us on Facebook for the latest updates

Project Y
Frozen Yogurt Store

In August 2015 we opened our very first Educational Social Enterprise store!!
Once located in Night Market Street, Siem Reap and fully staffed by our CRST students who we mentored on running a successful business.
In March 2020 we closed this store due to COVID19 and we look forward to restarting the project in the future.

LOCAL Collaborations
REACH Siem Reap
Collaborating with like minded NGOs has always been important to us.
Working with the team at REACH Siem Reap has been a pleasure and we support each other in a number of ways including a specially designed one-on-one mentoring program, joining their annual Side By Side Ride and repairing rural homes.
The work REACH does for the children they teach and the families they support is truly inspiring.
Angkor Hospital for Children
Our students volunteer daily at Angkor Hospital for Children as a part of our volunteer program. In their first 2 years of University students must volunteer 2 hours a day at another organisation or NGO to give back to their community.
The work AHC does for the children and families in and around Siem Reap is truly inspiring and our students love volunteering there.
Smiling Hearts Association for Children
Our students volunteer at SHAC as assistant teachers. SHAC is a non-government organisation which is located in Siem Reap with a mission to give children a good education, health care and a safe environment.
SHAC has 6 classes from grade 1-6, and the students are from 6-18 years old. English is taught by Khmer teachers and foreign volunteers from overseas and are open from Monday to Friday.
The Rotaract Club of Siem Reap was chartered in August 2022 with 54 CRST students as charter members. The club has an independent Board and is recruiting new members by inviting their university friends to join volunteer activities and introducing them to the Rotary organisation.
As of August 2022, projects are carried out by Rotaractors and other students. The Rotaractors and students promote the objectives of each project and activities are posted on social media for both RACSR and CRST. The projects are all focused on social impact and bringing inspiration and empowerment to thousands of beneferices each year.
The Rotaract Club of Siem Reap members receive extensive mentoring in community needs assessment processes, project planning, delivery and reporting. Current and future projects are supported by CRST, Rotary Clubs and Rotarians, led by leaders of social change in Cambodia – these include Rotaractors, students, their friends and other interested collaborators​.
The Club is co-sponsored by the Rotary Club of Bangkok and Rotary Club of Phnom Penh Metro, with support of the Rotary Passport Club of Melbourne.​