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New Student Selection - Stage 1


We are searching for more students to join our NGO in the 2017-2018 academic year which will start in September. There are 3 steps that potential students have to pass

1. Written test

2. Interview

3. Family visit

On Sunday the 21st of May, we left our office at 6am and arrived Bakong High school at 7:15am.

All of our current CRST students joined this new student selection process. First of all, I introduced some rules and explained the instructions of the test to our students because they were supervising the candidates in the classrooms. We then met all the candidates to introduce ourselves and to tell them a bit more about our NGO and how we work. After that they went into different classes and find their seat number.

At 8am they started the exam. Some of our new students who went through this process last year and joined the NGO felt very proud and could not believe that last year they were one of these students sitting at table taking the test!! And now they are a student in CRST watching and helping new students to come into the NGO. It was very amazing for them.

At 11am, we finished the test and everyone went back home to have lunch. It was very great day and everything went really well!!

Our students will do the correction together on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after English class. We will work upstairs at Project Y. There were 319 students did this first test and we will divide four groups to correct on Khmer general knowledge, English on multiple choices, English writing, and score calculation. We will then let the students know who passed the first stage and will organise for them to come for an interview which is the second stage of the new student selection.

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