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March Sport Activity

Rany and Saoly

On Sunday 11th March, 2018 we had completed one sport activity. This was the opportunity that our students have fun and build up their good health.

First of all, we left our office at 6:40 AM and went straight a long Kunthea Bophea road to place that we played sport call Thousand Tree. We arrived there at 7:00AM, so we take a rest five minutes, and we started do warm up game.

The first warm up game which was the general warm up that we proposed to play it every sport activity. The warm up game wanted to help students to do it in their daily life. The students looked happy with this game because it tried them happy with the activity and released stress. For number two warm up was the dance aerobic with song.

At 7:30AM warm games were completed. All in all, this two warm up games enforced students got to know about how they should start to perform in daily life –focus on full body –started from head throughout toes. Second, after we did warm up activity we took spare time for 20 minutes. And all participants could enjoyed their time snack and drank water, or some of them dance with the music –enjoy their life. S

Nak leaded first group, Second by Veun, Third by Rady and group four was leaded by Rith.

2. All leaders gave introduction speech how to play game –students need to follow all leader instruction.

3. We started to played game 1 called challenged game, which this game needed to overcome five stage of obstacle -1) blind game, 2) Jumping with sack, 3) Throw ball into hope, 4) Jumping with strike, and 5) Eat watermelon.

4. The game completed by 25 minutes, so students took time to relax 5 minutes –included told the winner team. This game was won together because they already won themselves to join CRST.

5. This game provided students – Team work, work fast, have fun, and strong commitment.

Game 2: 6. After we took to relax, so we began the get to the same groups that we had divided.

7. Next all leaders had 5 minutes to explain how to play with this second game.

8. Health team (HT) told time’s up, so all leaders brought their members into the playing area that HT took place for each group.

9. Students played this game for 20 minutes, and they completed the game at 8:50AM. 10. Students got from game 2 such patient, team work, notice or focus, good strategy, and communication.

In conclusion, at 8:50AM we came together and sat down under the shadow trees, so we made a reflection for sport activity. A student had 2 minutes to express their feeling with this monthly sport activity. Some them represented for all students said that they were happy with this sport because they released stress, had fun, and good health. They also want to have girl leader to lead game activity. The reason that we had only boy leader for this month because we called to three girls, yet they all busy with their work and study. Some of them also want to have more time too share in reflection section because they that was the main point of sport activity –express ideas, feeling, and feedback -to improve sport activity.

This sport purpose aim was: 1. Students build Team work, work fast, have fun, and strong commitment. 2. Student got: patient, team work, notice or focus, good strategy, and communication.

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