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Farewell Party for Natasha

TEN Me team

We would like to tell you about the Farewell Party that we held for our English teacher Natasha on Saturday. Natasha has been more then just our English teacher - she has been like our second mum since the NGO first started in 2011 - that's 7 years!!

Before the party came, we have announced this information to our students about date, time, and place, we also bought a book for our students to write down their grateful feelings toward Natasha. Most of our students wrote their gratitude feeling. And we also announced to students if they have any present for Natasha, so they can bring to give her in the party.

Our 10ME teams, Sinoun, Norn and I delegate some works to do, Sinoun responded in buying Pizza and Norn went the market to buy some drinks, and snacks such as banana, Longan, rambutan, and fried banana. And I went to order spring roll and Ipad with Phirun. And I also brought plates and drinking water to the party.

Veun and I were MC and we explained to our students why we celebrated the party, so everyone paid attention and ready for the party, then we invited two students to represent all CRST to give a speech to Natasha, they were Nak and Syn. Nak started speech by describing since he met Natasha the first time, and how much he has learned from Natasha, and described how much Natasha help our students in the NGO and at the end of his speech, he gave a photos to Natasha which was a photo that he and other students with Natasha when they met each other first time. Natasha just looked at that photos and smiled with sooky la la because she could see how much all the students have changed, so she was really HAPPY.

Syn started her speech to Natasha just for appreciation that she came to our lives for making a change on us, helped us, guide us and paved the way for us. She describe the gratitude feeling to Nataasha, and at the end of her speech, Syn asked Natasha to give her a big hug to represent all CRST students. Then it burst Natasha into tears. After that we all our students who wanted to express their gratitude feeling to Natasha, then a lot of our students raised their hands. And let them come one by one such as Sineang, Pheak, Ramet, Sinoun, and other more. And we sorry for other students as we did not have enough times for them to express their feeling to Natasha, anyway they have written their gratitude feeling in the book already. After then I invite Veun to give a special gift (ipad) to Natasha, and Veun also have some speech represent NGO to say THANKS to Natasha, and after then our students bought a big bunch of flowers with some presents in the bunch of the flowers too. And then we had only a little time left, so it was time for our students to hug and took some picture with Natasha and then we have a group photo, then we finished the farewell party successfully with great smiles

😆😆😆and happy faces for Natasha as a great memory ever.

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