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Grade 12 Graduation

Education Team

On 1st December, our 2018 grade 12 students had a graduation presentation at FBIS. The ceremony was held for the graduating class of 2018 grade 9, 11 and 12 students, outstanding students of all classes at FBIS, FBIS teachers, students’ parents and guardians, and was presided by HM. Hun Manet, who is the commander of Royal Cambodia Army and represents for educational scholarships in Cambodia.

At 7:30 AM in the morning Nak, Phirun, and Soma went along with our gradated students, and some of our students’ guardians went to join this great and appreciated party as well. In addition, some of our new grade 11 and 12 also joined the party as the requirement of the school. While we were waiting for the president arrival, our students and the others were practicing of receiving the certificates from the president and rehearsing to sing Khmer national. At 8:30 AM HM. Hun Manet arrived. After the school director and HM. Hun Manet gave the speech about 10 AM, HM. Hun Manet handed certificates to grade 12 graduated students. Once our students’ name were called to receive the certificates.

Mr. Sokal, our new grade 12 student, was handed the appreciated letter and present as he is the outstanding student, #1 in the class. It was a great honor for our NGO to have many students.

After everyone received the certificates, it was another great time for our students to take photos with each other, their parents, relatives, the president, teachers, and friends. We spent around more than an hour to take photos because our students seemed like to be in the photos and because they want to keep their memories with their friends and families as well.

Once the party ended at about 11:30AM, we invited our students’ guardians to have lunch together with our graduated students and CRST team at the restaurant which our students are eating every day. We were eating and having some conversation. After lunch Mr Nak represented for our NGO to give a speech to our students’ guardians appreciated their outstanding children for graduated from grade 12 successfully, how their children are in the NGO and societies. Moreover, Nak explained to them that the students might not have much time for the families and hope that they understand how important what their children are doing. Some of the parents also gave the speech to show their interest and appreciation to the NGO for helping their children and they said clearly understood the student responsibilities in the NGO. In addition, Chroeb give a thankful speech to her parents and the NGO. Nak closed the speech and we say good bye to our students’ parents.

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